The Great Quentini- Performance Artist

Playfulness, Respect, Honesty and Hope

My art springs from that same playful part of myself that compels me to build sand castles on a beach. Art world angst, which I've always found alienating, is neither my approach nor my goal. Ephemeral art made from readily available materials, improvised music on homemade instruments, and spectacles of buffoonery in the service of magical transformation are my goals.

    I am constructing an alternate reality the way a small boy builds a model train layout. I reuse cast-off wood, plastic, metal and rubber junk and glue it all together using instructions from inner sources, a reflection of natural form, and a homage to tribal art.

    I don't seek to replicate reality but rather to create a real emotional sense through gesture.

    I observe the human condition and report back my findings. These reports take the form of expressive vignettes and autobiographical stories from my life. For convenience I have come to call what I do, Performance Art. A ten year old boy viewing my performance put it this way, "Don't be afraid, he's just a sacred clown"

    Clowning, theater, poetic writing, animal noises, techno-primitive costumes, and improvised music, are elements that I use --but I blur the boundaries and exist across boundaries. My work is an opportunity to expand the possibility of what is possible rather than a continuation of a venerable tradition.

    I make good-natured art based on my varied interests: philosophy, science, religion, myth, culture, how the brain works, film, primitive art, evolution, drugs, sex, and technological change. The world is full to the brim with greed, fear, hatred and avarice - I don't want to add to that. My message is, "Do what you love to the fullest , trust yourself, honor life and Laugh, its good for you."

Quentin Davis
a.k.a. The Great Quentini



Plastic Robot

New in 2009 is the Robot. Click here to watch a video clip of Plastic Robot in action.



2008 | Firebird Festival

firebird festival

firebird festival

firebird festival

2008 | Gate to Moonbase Alpha at the Rotunda





the great quentinit has a basket on his head and a  wand

at attention


Photos by Deborah Boardman

contents © Quentin Davis 2012